Do you ever feel like your blog is not doing well enough? Do you get uncomfortable when someone mentions your blog? Are you afraid to share your blog’s link with your friends or family members? That’s ok. We’ve all been there. But… this has to stop now. Being proud of what you do can get you a long way. Let me tell you how you can feel more confident about your blog and hopefully help you grow further.
To begin with, promise yourself you’re going to STOP letting yourself down. You’re doing great & you have to acknowledge that. Anything you’re unhappy with you can change. You just have to put a little effort.
Identify your fears. Who’s stopping you from making your dreams come true? If you feel like your friends or family are not supportive enough- talk to them. Explain how important this is to you. We can solve so many problems in our life simply by letting others know how we feel.
Instead of looking through your Instagram feed, go ahead and order a book. You should seek for balance and self-confidence in your life if you want to feel proud of your blog. When I feel especially down, I love reading books on success stories. Most of the times, it helps me realise that I’m not the only one in this situation and that every person had to go through bad days to reach their goals. My current favourites are Nasty Galaxy, Bloom, Not That Kind of Girl. Make a cuppa & grab a read, you will get motivated in no time!
Knowing what others are expecting from your blog can help you feel needed & bring confidence in the content you create. Create a survey and ask your audience some questions! Not only it will help you understand your readers better- you can also end up with a few new ideas for your blog. Definitely worth a try!
In the times where so many of us are struggling to self-confidence, we need people like you that just go ahead & do things! Think about how your proudness can help out the others. Whatever you write about- you don’t have to keep feeling like promoting your content is spammy. Maybe your new post will inspire your readers to reach for the stars?
I don’t believe in myself because it comes to me naturally. Not at all. Every day, I have to remind myself how hard I work to get there I want to be and how much I’ve improved since I’ve started. To learn loving yourself could be the most difficult thing that you will ever do, but it’s so worth it!
Run yourself a bath or order that unnecessary pair of shoes you’ve been dreaming about for the last month. Whatever it is- you just published a new blog post or you booked your biggest client so far- celebrate! Friend, you need to give yourself some credit and remember that with all the hard work going on- it is important to find some “me” time as well. Happy person = confident person, don’t forget that!
Hope you enjoyed this post, folks! Let me know if you ever feel nervous about your blog and how you deal with that!
How to Feel Confident About Your Blog
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I am Kotryna Bass & I've tested most of the ways to make money online, so you wouldn't have to.
Back in 2012, I began my journey of selling digital products online. Since then, I have created several design and education brands using my personal websites and ETSY. I also started an e-commerce brand from scratch, reaching 500k in revenue. Through this experience, I learned all the tricks of marketing niche products online and making a profit without feeling overwhelmed. Let me show you what I've learned!
I am a digital products seller with over 10 years of experience! They have built multiple design and education brands, as well as a successful 7-figure e-commerce business from scratch. Get ready to learn from their wealth of knowledge in online marketing and profit-making.
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