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I am Kotryna Bass & I've tested most of the ways to make money online, so you wouldn't have to.

Back in 2012, I began my journey of selling digital products online. Since then, I have created several design and education brands using my personal websites and ETSY. I also started an e-commerce brand from scratch, reaching 500k in revenue. Through this experience, I learned all the tricks of marketing niche products online and making a profit without feeling overwhelmed. Let me show you what I've learned!

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In life, I feel like I've won and lost at the same time. You see, it just so happens that I created a job for myself that I absolutely adore. This makes finding that work/life balance a bit more challenging on me & if you're running your own business, you will understand...
How To Manage Your Work-Life Balance When Running Your Own Business

In life, I feel like I've won and lost at the same time. You see, it just so happens that...
